ME 405: Mechatronics Portfolio
ME 405: Mechatronics


This page serves as a main page and directory for my ME 405 portfolio. This portfolio contains documentation for all code generated for lab and lecture assignments for Mechatronics over the course of the Winter 2021 quarter.

Vendotron is a vending machine FSM capable of accepting and storing payment details, dispensing beverages, and calculating change. source code--

Reaction Time Test is a reaction time test featuring a built in LED and button on the NUCLEO microcontroller. source code--

Button Voltage Response is the PC user front-end program that works in conjuction with the NUCLEO data collection program to collect and plot voltage response data for a built-in button on the NUCLEO MCU. source code-- source code--
example .csv, Button Voltage vs. Time--

Temperature Measurement

The Adafruit MCP9808 temperature sensor breakout board I2C communication class is used in in conjunction with the built-in ADC core temperature reading function of the NUCLEO to record internal and external temperature measurements every minute (approximately). These measurements, along with the time in milliseconds since the beginning of data collection, are written to a new line in file Temperature.csv on the NUCLEO. source code-- source code--
Example Temperature.csv--

The measurements in this plot were taken between the hours of 9:30 am and 5:30 pm on a sunny February day in my backyard in San Luis Obispo. Observable spikes align with times at which the MCP9808 and/or NUCLEO were exposed to direct sunlight. All other measurements were taken in moderate shade.

figure 4-1. Temperature measurements from external and internal sensors over time

Touch Panel Driver

this resistive touch panel driver class from can be used to determine a point of contact on the panel. source code--

Hardware and Setup
Some hardware assembly was required in order to allow the touch panel sensor to interface with the NUCLEOL476RG microcontroller. I soldered a double-header pin on to the platform of the system and then soldered an Adafruit FPC breakout board to these pins. This breakout board adapted the conductive output strip from the panel to four individual output pins which could be connected to the main board through a 4-channel cable.

figure 7-1. Updates to the balancing platform include the touch panel, FPC breakout board, and connecting cables

figure 7-2. A close up of the touch panel to Adafruit FPC breakout board to connecting cable interface

figure 7-3. A symbolic schematic of the pin outputs and resistive elements inside the touch panel

figure 7-4. A legend to track the correct combination of pins from the NUCLEO to the external PCB to the breakout board

Test Code and Results
In order to ensure that this code will function cooperatively with other drivers and scripts which will be running simultaneously to control the platform's balance, I needed to write test code to measure the linear range and average runtime of each method. To calibrate the scaling factor used in the x and y scanning methods, I measured the maximum and minimum ADC readings for each respective axis and visually determined their corresponding position. From these measurements, I determined the following equations:
x scaling factor

xpos = xpos*(length/(3800-200)) - center[0]

y scaling factor

ypos = ypos*(width/(3600-400)) - center[1]

where the center list containing center coordinates of the form [x_center,y_center]. These coordinates were measured in a similar fashion to that of the boundaries of the touch panel linear region. I found the median value within each set of boundaries and measured the corresponding location visually.
To determine the average run speed of each method, I emplemented the following code into the script using an 'if name =="__main__"' block, shown below:

# Test scanning methods and observe timing
# Test zScan()
startTime = utime.ticks_us()
zTest = touchObject.zScan()
endTime = utime.ticks_us()
print {:}, z-state: {:}'.format(utime.ticks_diff(endTime,startTime),zTest))
# Test xScan()
startTime = utime.ticks_us()
xTest = touchObject.xScan()
endTime = utime.ticks_us()
print {:}, x-value: {:}'.format(utime.ticks_diff(endTime,startTime),xTest))
# Test yScan()
startTime = utime.ticks_us()
yTest = touchObject.yScan()
endTime = utime.ticks_us()
print {:}, y-value: {:}'.format(utime.ticks_diff(endTime,startTime),yTest))
# Test read() to find average runtime of all 3 consecutive scans over 100 runs
timeSum = 0
for n in range(100):
startTime = utime.ticks_us()
readTest =
endTime = utime.ticks_us()
testTime = utime.ticks_diff(endTime,startTime)
timeSum += testTime
timeAvg = timeSum/100
print('Average Time: {:}'.format(timeAvg))

For which an example output in the REPL might be:

Time 305, z-state: True
Time 352, x-value: 1.536667
Time 454, y-value: -0.4449997
Average Time 929.51 us

Updated Motor and Encoder Drivers

To prepare for the upcoming BalanceBot term project, my teammate and I updated our ME 305 motor and encoder driver classes, written in and respectively. Updates to the motor driver include the implementation of an external interrupt triggered by a fault pin, intended to prevent damage to the motors in the case of current overloads from collisions. Updates to the encoder driver include new methods for calculating angles and speeds in radians or radians per second, respectively. source code-- source code--

Miles Young
March 17, 2021